How To Do Digital Marketing In 10 Steps

How to do Digital Marketing? What are the steps you need to follow? If you are looking for an answer to these questions, here is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Digital Marketing is a long process including multiple things that require various techniques and appropriate practices. If we are talking about Digital Marketing as a whole, it consists of different sub-fields or components. These components are SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Analytics, Advertising, Market Research, Email Marketing and some other things. Depending upon the brand and requirements, these practices can be performed either together, individually or as a combination of a few of them. However, each Digital Marketing should ideally go through the following 10 steps.

Setting Goals

Digital Marketing step Setting goalsThe why of all things, Goals should be set according to what the organization desires to achieve. Goals should be attainable and realistic without burdening yourself with too much limitation. They should dictate the entire process as Digital Marketing is done specifically for achieving the business goals. 

Identifying Customers

Before launching a campaign, you must be aware of who your target audience is. It could depend on several factors like the product’s niche, pricing, location, demography and lifestyle habits. This step is sometimes considered to be the First Step in Digital Marketing.

Fixing a Budget

A budget is extremely important to follow the strategies effectively. So, fixing a budget will be the step after you decide on all the details like platforms and the audience you want to target. A budget should also be flexible because you may even encounter situations in which you will have to make changes. 

Choosing the right mix of platforms

Digital Marketing PlatformsThe choice of a platform can vary depending on a lot of things like the type of customer you want to target, your brand persona, etc. Thus, you can choose different platforms together to make them versatile and target more people.

Keyword/Market Research

Research is important to figure out the best trends going on and to optimize your content to get the best reach possible. Additionally, keyword research is the base for Search Engine Optimization and adding related keywords to a copy can massively increase the chances of your website ranking higher.

Rolling out PPC Advertisements and Promotions

Getting organic reach is difficult and if you wish to achieve guaranteed visibility, starting ads and promotions can give you decent visibility. The results of these advertisements can vary depending on the tags used, the quality of the promotional content, and the product itself.

Make Content Strategy

Creating high-quality content is key to attracting audiences. Therefore, Implementing a proper strategy for creating and publishing content can alter results greatly. Images, infographics and videos are great for social media and blogs are good for websites to engage the audience. You can also follow websites like Copyblogger to learn more about content marketing and it’s strategies.

Publishing Content and Optimization.

The next step after content creation is publishing it on relevant platforms to display it to the audience. additionally, to drive traffic to your web pages, you also need to optimize the content. Techniques like Search Engine Optimization are extremely important for managing the traffic on your web pages and to get a higher rank on search engines.

Monitoring and Managing Platforms

Just putting content doesn’t mean anything if you don’t manage all the engagement. It is important to engage and connect to your audience to increase brand loyalty and conversions. In addition, It also helps in customer retention as it is much cheaper than getting new customers. 

Analysis and Measurement of Results

Digital Marketing AnalysisDigital Marketing Analytics is an important part of Digital Marketing. Analysis allows you to analyze the results of a campaign or a strategy. This will allow you to see it was a successful project to achieve the goals that were set. This will also give you an idea of how everything worked and what did not work. Moreover, measurement of results is most likely the last step, but you can always make necessary changes after it.


This is all there is in Digital Marketing and all of these 10 steps complete the Digital Marketing Process. Additionally, If you want to learn more about Digital Marketing, you can read other blogs about Digital Marketing. You can also enroll in our Digital Marketing Course which is the Best Digital Marketing Course in Pune.

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