What is Digital Marketing Analytics

What is Digital Marketing Analytics? Digital marketing, like any other field, uses Analytics. In any case, Analytics makes use of data, math, algorithms and statistics to derive information. That piece of information differs from field to field. It answers business questions, predicts outcomes, finds out patterns and trends on the internet, measures the results, and tracks the process of digital marketing. 

Digital Marketing AnalyticsThe process of Analytics is largely automated using tools and software like Google Analytics. Moreover, It gives all the information you need regarding your target audience, digital marketing efforts you took, or to formulate a proper digital marketing strategy.

Purpose of Digital Marketing Analytics

  • Tracking and segmenting your traffic into organic traffic, direct traffic, referrals, social media traffic, or paid traffic. So, this will give you a better understanding of how your strategy is working and what is the most effective method.
  • It helps you analyze your customers’ journey from not knowing the company at all to becoming a customer.
  • It also helps you determine the best keywords to use in your blogs and pages to get the best reach and a higher number of visitors.
  • Understand visitor behavior by analyzing how much time they spent on your website. How many pages they visited. Whether they came for the first time or they happen to be a recurring visitor. What device they use. Lastly, what actions they take on your website. 
  • You can understand which content pieces are the most popular and the opposite as well. 
  • Find out patterns and trends in searches or in the behavior of customers to reach conclusions about finding solutions to their problems. You can also find trends where most leads were generated.


Analytics allows you to gather this valuable data, without which digital marketing will become untrackable and untraceable. Analytics is a huge part of Digital Marketing. It is so because of the feedback and suggestions it provides that can help you rectify your mistakes. So, you can take your digital presence to the next level.

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