What is Content Marketing

What Is Content Marketing

Introduction To Content Marketing

Content Marketing is an integral part of Digital Marketing

It’s a process of creating unique, informative, helpful and valuable content and publishing it on different channels. 

The purpose of Content Marketing is to attract, retain and convert the audience into customers. 

An effective Content Marketing strategy can help you achieve business goals like Lead Generation, Brand Awareness, Sales, Reach and Customer Loyalty to name just a few.

Why Is Content Marketing Important

Content Marketing is at the centre of Digital Marketing. 

All of your marketing efforts are to make your content visible to the target audience for conversions.

Content provides a platform for your audience to know who you are and what you do. 

It helps you educate your leads and prospects about your brand’s ideology, knowledge, purpose and services.

You can boost your conversion rates just by convincing the leads about your capabilities in the above parameters.

Content helps you convey your message in different controllable manners. 

So, you can connect with your customers on different levels that you desire and encourage loyalty.

It can also show your audience how you can solve their problems. 

Moreover, all of the mentioned circumstances result in community building.

Benefits Of Content Marketing

Great Mouthpiece For The Brand For Customer Relationships

The content you write or create directly acts as your Brand’s voice to the world and readers. 

So, you can publish highly targeted content that has the potential to reach the audience and compel them to convert.

Also, effectively written copies have the power to build long-lasting relationships with customers or readers.

More Social Traffic & Followers

Consistent, attractive and informative content can drive traffic to your pages. 

So, you’ll have more visibility on social channels like Facebook and Instagram. You will also gain more followers.

Social Traffic can also be directed to the website for conversions.

Good For SEO and Ranking Higher

Content is extremely important for SEO.

Having content with at least 300 words is also advised to get a decent rank on SERP.

So, you need content to perform SEO properly.

Increased Chances Of Referral Traffic

If people like your content, chances are that they will also share it with their friends and family.

So, you will get a lot more referral traffic than you would without good content.

Higher Domain Authority

Valuable content pieces can be a great source for acquiring backlinks.

Your content will also be an actual reference for others. So, you get more backlinks and your Domain Authority increases.

Decreased Costs

Content Marketing doesn’t need any paid investment. 

On the contrary, it acts as a requirement for your advertisements or paid methods.

Types Of Content in Content Marketing

Types of Content in Content MarketingImages

Everyone on the internet is on social media these days. 

So, it is naturally a great place to publish content. 

You can post images, videos, texts, music or a combination of all of these on different popular social media platforms.


Infographics are used on Social Media, Websites or anywhere you want.

They combine visual elements with textual information to create unique content. 

Additionally, you can promote your business using these infographics to effectively convey the message you want.


Blogs are one of the most common forms of Content Marketing.

They’re also extremely useful to attract more readers and for SEO.

Moreover, you can make your blogs promotional to promote your business or brand.


YouTube, is the 2nd biggest search engine in the world. It completely revolves around Video Content Marketing.

Studies also show that most people prefer consuming Video content over any other. That is because it’s engaging and entertaining.


Podcasts are a great way to talk about specific topics to your audience.

Also, if they like your content, they’ll stick around for hours at a stretch.

Moreover, Podcasts can be independent sources of income as well.

Advertisement Copies.

Content on advertisement copies can be visuals, images, copywriting, taglines, etc.

Also, for an advertisement to convert, you need the content to be exceptional.

How To Make & Implement A Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing StrategySet Your Goals

One of the most influential deciding factors while creating your content is your end goal.

So, you need to find out what you need before you can start figuring out what you need to do.

Moreover, your goals could be to generate leads and more revenue, increase brand awareness, customer engagement, drive traffic and reach new audiences.

Determine Your KPIs

As you set your goals, you also need to know how to judge your performance in achieving those goals.

So, you need to set ‘Key Performance Indicatiors’ that provide you with the metrics to judge the goals. 

Moreover, these KPIs could be website traffic, followers, subscriptions, purchases, reviews, etc.

Nail down the Content Types

You can start analyzing the best types of content for your niche and requirements. 

For instance, you choose to incorporate, blogs, infographics, podcasts, videos, etc. in your Content Marketing Strategy.

You can also consider your audience’s preference to know what they like and what they don’t.

Decide The Content Channels

Once you know what content you want to publish, you can choose the best platform for that type of content.

This is because not all types of content can be good for all websites.

So, you can go for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or even just your website.

Create & Publish Content

Planning for your content marketing is done. Now, you need to create the content and publish it.

Moreover, you can implement the use of different tools and plugins to make this step easier. 

You can also set a content calendar to make sure it is consistently followed.

Analyze & Measure The Results

After a while, you can check out the best performing content pieces.

So, you can ensure that you continue doing what works and make changes to the content that’s not working.


Content Marketing is a great way to bring customers to you instead of the other way around. 

So, when you do it properly, expect to observe a boom in your online presence.

If you want to learn Content Marketing, check out our master class course. Jaksh Institute offers the best digital marketing course in Pune.

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